Theriz Journal

Creating Art & Sharing Love Since 2009

Glória Coelho

Sim, definido o tema da minha monografia de Pós-Graduação em "Moda, Cultura de Moda e Arte". Por enquanto nenhuma palavra... a pesquisa está apenas começando, mas já promete ser um surpreendente encontro de moda, arquitetura e muito esoterismo!!

Yes, I've set the theme of my thesis to Post-Graduate course in "Fashion, Culture of Fashion and Art. " I can't tell you anything about it yet... The research is just beginning, but already promises to be an amazing gathering of fashion, architecture and some esoterism!


Karen said…
Sounds like an amazing topic to write about!! I am just about finished my MA thesis on immigration but sometime I feel like I should have written about fashion!!

I would love to read your thesis when you are finished!
