O clip novo de Gaga nem estreiou ainda e já está dando o que falar...
"Judas", seu último single foi fortemente criticado por grupos religiosos de acordo com o tablóide britânico "The Sun", assim que foi divulgado que a #loka iria interpretar ninguém mais ningém menos que Maria Madalena!
O presidente da Liga Católica para Direitos Civis e Religiosos, Bill Donahue, considerou o single uma manobra de marketing (jura?). "Existem as pessoas com talento, e depois existe Lady Gaga...", afirmou.
Sinceramente, eu acho que já está passando da hora das pessoas acostumarem com a idéia que não existe Mother Monster sem uma polêmica básica! E é exatamente disso que os fãs gostam. Uma nova versão (dizem) de "Like a prayer"? Que venha! Estou curiosíssima!!
Enquanto isso ficamos com as fotos - provocativas como sempre, mas também ótimas! - feitas por Terry Richardson para a Harper's Bazaar de Maio.

The new Gaga's video clip didn't even debuted yet and is already making a lot of noise ...
"Judas, " her latest single has been strongly criticized by religious groups according to the British tabloid "The Sun" - it was reported that Mother Monster here would play anyone else unless than Mary Magdalene!
The president of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights, Bill Donahue, considered it a marketing strategy (really? haha...). "There are people with talent and then there is Lady Gaga ...", said.
Honestly, I think it's high time people get used the idea that there isn't Gaga without a controversy! And that's exactly what the fans like about her. It's going to be a new version (they say) of "Like a Prayer "? That's great! I'm very curious!
So... Meanwhile let's see her new photos - provocative as always but also gorgeous - made by Terry Richardson for Harper's Bazaar 2011 May Issue:
"Judas, " her latest single has been strongly criticized by religious groups according to the British tabloid "The Sun" - it was reported that Mother Monster here would play anyone else unless than Mary Magdalene!
The president of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights, Bill Donahue, considered it a marketing strategy (really? haha...). "There are people with talent and then there is Lady Gaga ...", said.
Honestly, I think it's high time people get used the idea that there isn't Gaga without a controversy! And that's exactly what the fans like about her. It's going to be a new version (they say) of "Like a Prayer "? That's great! I'm very curious!
So... Meanwhile let's see her new photos - provocative as always but also gorgeous - made by Terry Richardson for Harper's Bazaar 2011 May Issue:

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