Gente, jurei pra mim mesma que não ia escrever sobre o casamento do Príncipe William com Kate Middleton (no próximo dia 29 de abril by the way), porque afinal, além de amar e idolatrar (salve, salve!) o Reino Unido, eu não fui convidada (você foi?) e também não vou ajudar a promover essa idéia de contos de fada do séc. XXI criada pela mídia...
Mas recebi uma newsletter da Accessorize e não resisti! Tive que me render a criatividade do povo.... rsrs...
Hey guys! I swore to myself that I'd not write about the marriage of Prince William with Kate Middleton (the next day on April 29 by the way), because after all, besides love and idolize (save, save!) the UK, I wasn't even invited (have you?) and also I won't promote this idea of fairy tales of the XXI century created by the press...
But I received a newsletter from Accessorize and could not resist! I had to surrender to the creativity of the people.... lol ...
Hey guys! I swore to myself that I'd not write about the marriage of Prince William with Kate Middleton (the next day on April 29 by the way), because after all, besides love and idolize (save, save!) the UK, I wasn't even invited (have you?) and also I won't promote this idea of fairy tales of the XXI century created by the press...
But I received a newsletter from Accessorize and could not resist! I had to surrender to the creativity of the people.... lol ...

A Legoland resolveu criar algumas cenas do casamento no palácio de Buckingham. As montagens retratam os noivos, seus parentes, convidados, a guarda real e toda a população inglesa que deve acompanhar o matrimônio.

British Vogue - 2011 May issue
Lara Stone, Freja Beha e Natalia Vodianova foram fotografadas por Mario Testino, vestidas de noiva, claro, para cada uma das três versões.
Making of no meu tumblr ;)
<3 steffy
Steffys Pros and Cons
thanks for your lovely comment on IFB!
Course we can follow each other! i always follow back!
kisses from La Mode En Rose = )
I think that the more it approaches the date, the more anxious we all get!! even if we don't want to!.