Um amigo compartilhou no FB esse site que tem publicações incríveis, inclusive o sketchbook do filme “Blade Runner” (1982).
Como é o primeiro post do ano, queria que mostrasse arquitetura, moda e cinema ao mesmo tempo e a ficção cientifica consegue explorar bem essas áreas criando formas e paisagens com um design totalmente inusitado, mas aceitável por se tratar de um futuro distante.
“Blade Runner” é o mais querido de todos provavelmente pelo cenário futurista do ano de 2019 que de acordo com o próprio diretor era possível de se tornar realidade em 40 anos.
“Our city is rich, colorful, noisy, gritty, full of textures and teeming life, much like a major city of today. This is a tangible future, not too exotic to be believed” Ridley Scott.
Seguem alguns dos incríveis croquis, espero que gostem e quem ainda não assistiu o filme está perdendo hein... fica a dica ;)
A friend shared on FB an amazing site that publishes everything, including the sketchbook of the movie "Blade Runner" (1982).
How it is the first post of the year, I wanted to show architecture, fashion and film at the same time and science fiction can explore these areas and creating forms and landscape design with a totally unusual thing, but acceptable because it is about a distant future.
"Blade Runner" is the dearest of all probably because of the futuristic way of life created in the year of 2019 that according to the director could become a reality in 40 years from then.
"Our city is rich, colorful, noisy, gritty, full of textures and teeming life, much like a major city of today. This is a tangible future, not too exotic to be Believed "Ridley Scott.
Here are some of the incredible sketches, hope you like and who have not watched the movie yet is losing time ... totally recommend ;)
How it is the first post of the year, I wanted to show architecture, fashion and film at the same time and science fiction can explore these areas and creating forms and landscape design with a totally unusual thing, but acceptable because it is about a distant future.
"Blade Runner" is the dearest of all probably because of the futuristic way of life created in the year of 2019 that according to the director could become a reality in 40 years from then.
"Our city is rich, colorful, noisy, gritty, full of textures and teeming life, much like a major city of today. This is a tangible future, not too exotic to be Believed "Ridley Scott.
Here are some of the incredible sketches, hope you like and who have not watched the movie yet is losing time ... totally recommend ;)

more awesome sketches here