Apartamentos descolados para jovens independentes!
The other day I watched the movie "St. Elmo's Fire" (1985) by Joel Schumacher, and I fell in love with the characters' apartments. The decor is the "face" of the 80's! The colors.. the posters on the walls.. it shows the personality of its residents - young people who have just graduated from college and don't know what to do with all the new opportunities of that time.
Outro dia assisti o filme "O primeiro ano do resto de nossas vidas" (1985), de Joel Schumacher, e
me apaixonei pelos apartamentos dos personagens. A decoração é a cara
dos anos 80! As cores, os posters nas paredes... ainda mostra a
personalidade de seus moradores - jovens que acabaram de se formar na
faculdade e não sabem o que fazer com as novidades e possibilidades que
surgiam nessa época.
Hipsters apartments for young and independent!
The other day I watched the movie "St. Elmo's Fire" (1985) by Joel Schumacher, and I fell in love with the characters' apartments. The decor is the "face" of the 80's! The colors.. the posters on the walls.. it shows the personality of its residents - young people who have just graduated from college and don't know what to do with all the new opportunities of that time.

Alec (Judd Nelson) e Leslie (Ally Sheedy) moram juntos em um loft todo clean

Poster da Nike reveste toda a parede

a cozinha é toda equipada mas ninguém que cozinhar mais..

Bricks on the Wall...

Apartamento do Kevin - cores fortes e bom humor do escritor

Kevin (Andrew McCarthy) e Kirby (Emilio Estevez) são fãs dos filmes de Woody Allen

more Bricks ♡

"Pretty in Pink" para a "fabulous" Jules (Demi Moore)

All the Style and the Colors of the 80s ♡
How to have beautiful shiny hair!