everybody is talking about..
A estréia da semana no festival de Cannes! Todo mundo só fala nele: o grande Jay Gatsby está de volta! Eu estou doida pra ver... parece que o diretor Baz Luhrmann fez com a história de Fitzgerald o mesmo que fez com "Romeu e Julieta" de Sheakespere e ficou melhor ainda!!
Bem, vou ter que esperar até o dia 7 de junho - que é a estréia aqui no Brasil... enquanto isso, deixo registrado aqui a coleção maravilhosa de jóias que a Tiffany criou especialmente para o filme trazendo de volta todo o glamour dos anos 20!

The launch of the week at the Cannes Film Festival! Everyone's talking about: the great Jay Gatsby is back! I'm dying to see... seems that director Baz Luhrmann did with the story of Fitzgerald what he did with Sheakespere's "Romeo and Juliet" (Romeo + Juliet, 1996) and it got even better!
Well, I'll have to wait until June 7 - which is the premiere here in Brazil ... Meanwhile, I leave here the post with the collection of wonderful jewelry collection that Tiffany's created especially for the film bringing back all the glamour of the 20s!
Well, I'll have to wait until June 7 - which is the premiere here in Brazil ... Meanwhile, I leave here the post with the collection of wonderful jewelry collection that Tiffany's created especially for the film bringing back all the glamour of the 20s!
Tiffany presents an extraordinary collection
of jewels for director Baz Luhrmann’s film The Great Gatsby, created in
collaboration with Catherine Martin.

"The Great Gatsby collection" appears both in the film and
is inspired by it

the Tiffany's Fifth Avenue flagship store windows in NY

and starring the campaign inspired by the Jazz Age Glamour - Arizona Muse