once upon a time there was a beautiful, sweet and cute girl...

Come on! Miley's still a beautiful, sweet and cute girl except that now she has an all new and edgy style!

and just when 2 great fashion mags launches their issues with her on the covers...

V magazine, summer 2013 issue
photos by Mario Testino

the MET launches in NY its 2013 exhibition - about Punk culture/couture..

who drew all the attention on the red carpet of the MET Gala 2013?

Miley in Marc Jacobs

no doubt "she's on the top of the world...
Hottest of the hottest girls" ♪
(wondering if Alicia wrote it for her.. haha..)
that's what I call the perfect "timing"!
can't wait to see/listen her new album ;) thoughts?
Have a nice day!! and my g+ for you!!!:)))
Besos, desde EspaƱa, Marcela♥
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