Some months have passed since then, but I'm still mesmerised by Jude Law's dazzling performance in Shakespeare's play: "Henry V".
2014 LDN travel diary: The Noel Coward Theatre at Leicester Square

Jude Law brings a presence, humour and life to the play.

The whole cast also deservedly received a standing applause.

What a great stage actor he has become... I loved his timing, performance.. and can't find more words to discribe it.. so I'll use an excerpt from the brazilian writer Machado de Assis - a classic of the realist literature style, which I think translates well his stage presence and his way of staring while interpreting...
I'm sorry I can't translate it to english 'cause I'm afraid the text can lose its essence..
" (…) Olhos de ressaca? Vá, de ressaca. É o que me dá idéia daquela feição nova. Traziam não sei que fluido misterioso e enérgico, uma força que arrastava para dentro, como a vaga que se retira da praia, nos dias de ressaca. Para não ser arrastado, agarrei-me às outras partes vizinhas, às orelhas, aos braços, aos cabelos espalhados pelos ombros, mas tão depressa buscava as pupilas, a onda que saía delas vinha crescendo, cava e escura, ameaçando envolver-me, puxar-me e tragar-me. (…)" Dom Casmurro
2014 LDN travel diary S2
For those who couldn't see Jude on stage, don't worry! This wasn't his first piece on display and certainly will not be the last .. :)
Stay informed on London sites like londontheatredirect for more plays and dates.
Stay informed on London sites like londontheatredirect for more plays and dates.

2009 LDN travel diary
2012 LDN travel diary - and a blog post about it!
and what he does when he's not on stage? he dances!
JOHNNIE WALKER BLUE LABEL presents Jude Law in 'The Gentleman's Wager' Jude Law
In 'The Gentleman's Wager' For Johnnie Walker Blue