Hello, dear readers! I'm proud to share here with you my 1st blog interview (from a long time). And it's a special one.. I want you to meet Mina, from Underline Designs - an Etsy shop where I found my perfect new blog template ❤️ I like it so much that got me very curiouse about the creation process of it and the life of the person behind it.
1 - Mina, tell us a little about yourself. Where do you live?
What's your profession?
My name is Amina, but I'm used to being called Mina by my friends and
family so I started using it online. I'm 25 years old and I'm from Morocco, currently
living in Istanbul with my boyfriend.
I started making Blogger template after I complete my studies to make
extra money, but it ended up as my main job and source of income. I can't say
that I would enjoy a normal day job.
2 - Do you work only with the development of templates? How
it came into your life? Was a need or simply a way to earn extra income?
At first it was a way to make extra money, but as time went by I turned
into my main job. I studied computer engineering at college and this definitely
helped me with the templates as it made it easier to understand the code and
customize templates based on customers requests.
3 - How long do you do it? Do you like doing that? I mean ...
for me, all those points, symbols and letters (.. {.// ur.} ".. Are so
complicated, I would have to really like it so I could be able to work doing
that ... and for you, it all seems so easy!! Did you have to take a course to
learn how to do it?
I certainly enjoy this job more than any other job I've had before, it's
satisfying to start with an idea and build it to a functioning blog design, it
is also fun to try and add new features that I haven't tried before to a
design. The designing process is never a boring thing for me.
4 - Again, I need to praise your work. I loved the new design
of my blog! And I tried a lot before finding your Etsy's shop ... Tell me,
where did you get inspiration to create this Template? Where do you seek
inspiration for new designs?
Marigold template was initially going to be an upgrade to a template I
made before (In the City:http://inthecity-template.blogspot.com/). A template
with a homepage and a slider and other features that you mostly see on
WordPress. The featured categories was inspired by: http://www.inthefrow.com/ I
loved how you can have certain categories highlighted on the main page, so I
incorporated that on Blogger using labels. Marigold became my most liked and
purchased template so far.
5 - Speaking on Etsy, the return is good? Could you share
some numbers of sales/ statistics/ customers with us? Would you advise people
who have a product to sell, offer through this site?
Etsy is my main income source now, even with having a website to sell my
templates on, most customers find me through Etsy. I definitely recommend using
Etsy if you're planning to sell something you created, even with the
competition on the website you can still make a name for yourself and support
yourself in the process. There is a place for everyone.
The first year I started on Etsy, I wasn't doing so good to be honest,
the revenue was low and I could barely make over 200 USD a month. So I changed
everything on my store starting with my store name and the images I use for my
templates. I then created new templates that were user friendly, have lots of features
that you don't normally find on Blogger templates and are minimal to leave room
for the customer to change it however they like. I noticed a huge increase in
my income with the re-branding.
6 - Now, enough of work, let's talk about leisure.. What do
you like to do in your free time? What would be like a perfect day off for you?
When I don't have any work, I prefer to go out and spend the day out
either with family or friends. Since I spend a lot of time in front of
computer, I try to enjoy my free time away from it as much as I can.
7 - And about Fashion.. Do you like blogs? You have a
favorite? What is your dressing style?
I do love fashion and follow trends when it suits me, I also love to wear
makeup, but I truly suck when it comes to applying it. I still have no clue how
to blend eye shadows despite all the tutorials I watched on YouTube. I would
describe my style as mostly casual, I mean I own a few pairs of heels, but I
almost never wear them because I'm always choosing my comfortable converses.
8 - Travel.. Alone or accompanied? Your favorite place
in the world is...
I haven't done much traveling outside my country or here in Turkey, but I
would love to travel more and am planning to do so with my boyfriend once he's
done with his studies. Ask me again about my favorite place in a couple of
years when I visit Europe. :)
9 - Cinema.. Everyone has a favorite movie, which we watch
several times, do you have some?
I love movies and I watch them regularly, However I enjoy series more,
I'm currently watching several series simultaneously. My favorite movie so far
is Bidrman, and my favorite series are the popular current shows, like The
Walking Dead, Game of Thrones and Person of Interest.
I'm looking for a new series to watch so if you have recommendations for
me, I'm all ears!
10 - To complete: what emoji you use most?
I use the smiley emoji 😊 all the time. I use it when I talk to my
customers a lot, sometimes twice in one message. 😊😊

Well, that's it! Hope you like it!
Thanks again, Mina! A truly #girlboss inspiration for our Monday :)
Wish all a great week..