May, 9 and I'm back in NYC!
Hello everybody, as you may know I'm back in the city.. Have lots of things to do and places to go but.. First things first - I was crazy to see the David Bowie installation at the Broadway-Lafayette subway station, so I went!

I read on Time.out:
"The exhibit doubles as an ad—it’s a collaboration between Spotify and the Brooklyn Museum—and features a collection of Bowie-inspired art, including fan-made works and reproductions of pieces that are part of the museum’s exhibit. Straphangers can also score limited edition MetroCards at the station, which contain the visage of the Starman himself."

Bowie lived in SoHo and used to take the trens on this station.. The regular map was replaced by a “Bowie’s Neighborhood Map” showing some of his spots to record like Looking Glass Studios, RCA Studios and Electric Lady Studios are.
Bowie’s quotes are all over the station, such as this one: “I have a great time here: we can go where we want, eat where we want, walk out with our child, go to the park, ride the subway, do the things that any family does.”

David continues to inspire people all over the world.. we still talk about him and listen to his music, so I had an idea of making a fashion editorial at the station as a tribute to the singer - stay tuned! Soon I'll share it here with you :)

As for the Brooklyn Museum, the exhibition is from the V&A Museum - the same one I went visit in SP a few years ago and shared here with you.. if you are in New York, don't miss it!
The installation will be in place through Sunday, May 13, and the “David Bowie Is” exhibit will be on display at the Brooklyn Museum until Sunday, July 15.