Monday Inspiration: I'm sharing with you today my home office and from where I'm currently blogging since I retuned from NY. Every little detail was very carefully choosen so it would look like me and match my personality and style - what do you think?

Gotta love polka dots! I told you about this gorgeous wallpaper already - please, take a look back here for more info & ideas.
(still need to do something with the rug though..)

colorful notebook from Paperchase UK, my favorite mug from Harrods
& the flamingo tape dispenser is from the MoMA Design store

The 'More Issues than Vogue' typographical art print is a classic every fashion lover must have from The Printable Concept Shop (don't forget: use the code THERIZ for 20% off)

Lightening is very important here, once we are talking about a work space, right?
A minha escolha: trilho eletrificado em aço escovado

Love those ghost chairs and I was dreaming about having one from a long time.. now I have it!
Cadeira Ghost sem braço em policarbonato transparente
Another cute ideas I found on Pinterest, if you're thinking about creating your own home office and you don't have that much space left in your house to do it or just want to renovate what you already have:

Scandinavian style

Contemporaneous look

And a classic one ♥️
Which one suits you? I want to know :)
Wishing all a very productive week!
I'm working on mine
Thanks for the inspiration
Hope I'm helping :)