What to watch the weekend before Christmas on the theaters, Tv and Netflix..

Oh come on.. No! 'Mean Girls' (2004) is not on my list.. but I bet you've already watched it
(a lot of times!)

1- A Christmas drama in New York: 'Collateral Beauty' / 'Beleza Oculta' (2018) with only the best actors: Will Smith, Edward Norton, Keira Knightley, Michael Peña, Kate Winslet, Helen Mirren and more.. t's a beautiful movie, but prepare the tissues 😢

2 - An unconventional Christmas time in Africa: 'Holiday in the Wild' / 'Resgate do coração' (2019) with ex-Sex and the City Kristin Davis, Rob Lowe and the most adorable baby elephants ❤️️

3 - 'Segunda chance para amar' (nos cinemas) que tem a mother of dragons (GOT) Emilia Clark no elenco e roteiro de Emma Thompson (de 'Simplesmente Amor', outro filme de Natal que amamos), é uma comédia romântica inglesa inspirada no álbum 'Last Christmas' de George Michael e promete arrancar risos, suspiros e lágrimas assim como toda boa história de Natal..

4 - For the children of the house and the children in you: 'Arthur Christmas' (2011) is a sweet and cute little adventure story about a high tech Santa, his family and a mission to give out one last forgotten Christmas gift 🎁

5 - If you believe in Christmas miracles: 'Um passado de presente'/ 'The knight before Christmas' (2019) with Vanessa Hudgens (again - last year she was in another Netflix xmas movie: 'The Princess Switch')..

Bonus 1: O Natal adolescente de 'Deixe a neve cair' (2019) acaba em festa em filme baseado no livro de Maureen Johnson, John Green e Lauren Myracle.

Bonus for the geeks like me: 'Batman Returns' 1992 by Tim Burton. It's Christmas in Gotham city and anything can happen!
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