In honor of the First Monday of May: já que o Baile do MET foi adiado por causa da pandemia, a Vogue lançou o desafio #METGalaChallenge ao público (nós, pobres mortais). Quer participar? Basta recriar os looks mais icônicos que passaram pelo red carpet nesses anos e postá-los no Instagram usando a hashtag... A gente te dá umas ideas, vem ver!

Following the postponement of this year’s Met Gala, Vogue and actor Billy Porter joined forces to create a new fashion challenge that aims to bring the event’s fashion-forward spirit to life. The #MetGalaChallenge encourages people to recreate their favorite looks from the historic ball and share photos of their interpretations on social media.

Theriz loves: Jared Leto for Gucci

And Miley Cirus for Marc Jacobs

*Photos from